Based in Gozo (Malta), Freediving Dojo offers recreational and certified Freediving courses from beginner to instructor.

You will learn all the basics and improve your equalizatioion, depth, distance, duration performances with increased comfort, confidence, and most importantly, safety. We love especially to explore and share. The maltese archipelago offers all kind of explorations from shallow waters to underwater caves, arches, chemneys, marine life observation and shipwrecks.

I have been snorkeling for a while until I started deep freediving using a sled with Pierre Frolla at the Blue School in Monaco in 2009 (Pierre was part of the legendary team who created AIDA with Claude Chapuy). I got a french instructor diploma (MEF1) that is under the CMAS (World Confederation of Subaquatic Activities) in 2013 that allowed me to initiate people in Gozo until I did a crossover with PFI in 2023 ten years after so I could certify as well my students.

That is how Freediving Dojo was born. With many other friends that helped me around like Rado, Michel, « Scuba Matt » and « Aquaman Matt »… As well as Jacek who is a great mentor… The most important in all that, is that we are really all passionate about that sport. That is more than just a sport. There is a lot to share and learn around it, in and out of the water.

Welcome to you to Gozo, thank you for your interest about freediving in Gozo.

Freediving Dojo propose all year long : camps, retreats, courses (with PFI certification) with accommodation or not. You are welcome to ask for any information Contact here.